Saturday, 8 February 2014

'Photo a day' in February week one

Day 1) You..... anyone who knows me, knows how I feel about selfies. However there is no denying that they are taking over the world, so even if it makes me a massive hypocrite...... I gave one a go.... here is the outcome, (done on my Iphone in my bed-room in true selfie style) :p

Day 2) Favourite....... Tea!!!! I love drinking tea and anything related to tea waaaaaay too much. I own far too many tea-pots and tea-cups, but I love them all!

Day 3) Something Orange...... Oranges! I am aware of how un-original and un-creative this is but we are on a bit of a health kick at the moment so there is fruit everywhere.

Day 4) Childhood...... Crochet (and all crafts really)! I adore doing crafts, my passion definitely comes from my mum, we would do crafts together all the time when I was younger and she taught me how to crochet. Every time I do crafts now I think of my childhood and the many hours spent with my mum.

Day 5) Square...... I know this is rectangle but i'd never tried this effect before and wanted to give it ago.

Day 6) C is for....... Coast, living in Portsmouth I see the coast regularly and I love it. It offers so many endless photo opportunities.

Day 7) Utensil....... Baking, I've been getting quite into baking recently, there have been a few disasters but they always make for good stories.

Day 8) Water....... Again, living in Portsmouth offers lots of chances to take photos of water, this is one I took while I was in uni and i've always loved it.

I hope you've enjoyed my round up of week one of 'a photo a day' in February. Next saturday I will post the photos taken from the week previous.

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