Tuesday, 25 February 2014

'Photo a day' in February week three

Firstly, I am sorry it's a couple days late, I had an awesome but very busy week, so here it is :)

Day 16) Create..... as i've said before, I love crafts so love to create, here is a couple of my materials for making.

Day 17)Vegetable.... my little rodents love to eat their vegetables, here is one enjoying some green beans.

Day 18) Magic..... (pretty loose link here) when i think of magic, i think of cards and I recently made a queen of hearts costume which involved alot of cards (apologies for the quality, taken on my phone)

Day 19) Feet.... i personally can't stand feet, even my own, so here are my lovely slippers :)

Day 20) Peace..... i think the seaside is the most peaceful place in the world, i'm lucky to live to close to it.

Day 21) Funny...... the funniest man I know (slightly bias as it's my boyfriend)

Day 22) An act of kindness..... a surprise tea party in bed for my boyfriend (again apologies for the awful quality)

Saturday, 15 February 2014

'Photo a day' in February week two

Firstly I need to apologise, I know it's only week 2, but i've had such a manic and busy week that I didn't get to take many photos so some of these are old photos that I took and edited.

Day 9) Details..... I instantly thought of Macro, I sometimes work in a little boutique which sells gorgeous pieces. This is a macro photo of a keyring which has gorgeous reflections.

Day 10) I am.... Creative. Every single day of my life I have been doing creative things. I've made most of the things in my home and make most of my presents to loved ones.

Day 11) Mistake.... the many spelling mistakes that I make daily. I think the delete key on my laptop is going to give up soon :s

Day 12) Out and about.... The countryside, I grew up in the deep dark depths of the countryside and lived there till I was 18, this is from a lake right next to my house where my family live. I love visiting it and taking as many photos as I can.

Day 13) Perfect..... receiving unexpected gifts from loved ones.

Day 14) Heart..... Some of my valentines goodies :)

Day 15) My drink of choice..... A glass of red wine. My absolute favourite :)

Saturday, 8 February 2014

'Photo a day' in February week one

Day 1) You..... anyone who knows me, knows how I feel about selfies. However there is no denying that they are taking over the world, so even if it makes me a massive hypocrite...... I gave one a go.... here is the outcome, (done on my Iphone in my bed-room in true selfie style) :p

Day 2) Favourite....... Tea!!!! I love drinking tea and anything related to tea waaaaaay too much. I own far too many tea-pots and tea-cups, but I love them all!

Day 3) Something Orange...... Oranges! I am aware of how un-original and un-creative this is but we are on a bit of a health kick at the moment so there is fruit everywhere.

Day 4) Childhood...... Crochet (and all crafts really)! I adore doing crafts, my passion definitely comes from my mum, we would do crafts together all the time when I was younger and she taught me how to crochet. Every time I do crafts now I think of my childhood and the many hours spent with my mum.

Day 5) Square...... I know this is rectangle but i'd never tried this effect before and wanted to give it ago.

Day 6) C is for....... Coast, living in Portsmouth I see the coast regularly and I love it. It offers so many endless photo opportunities.

Day 7) Utensil....... Baking, I've been getting quite into baking recently, there have been a few disasters but they always make for good stories.

Day 8) Water....... Again, living in Portsmouth offers lots of chances to take photos of water, this is one I took while I was in uni and i've always loved it.

I hope you've enjoyed my round up of week one of 'a photo a day' in February. Next saturday I will post the photos taken from the week previous.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

A photo a day for February

I thought i'd have a go at this. Sometimes I get so distracted and busy with work, organising lesson plans and general day-to-day life that I don't get the chance to actually take as many photos as i'd like. So I am going to stick to this and actually plan, take and edit at least one photo a day. I shall post a round-up of the week each saturday of the photos I have taken from this list. I hope you enjoy. I know it's saturday today but I will include today's photo in next saturday's round up :)