Friday, 16 August 2013


While browsing through some old photos on my computer I stumbled across this little gem. I was drawn to it because it really sums up the moment it was taken and the personality of the subject. It was taken while we took a little day-trip out for a picnic. The model was laughing as I sneakily took this photo the moment she put a strawberry in her mouth. 
I am still getting my head around Adobe Lightroom 3, so I decided to edit this photo to make the subject really 'pop' out and to adjust the tones to compliment the warm, happy feelings of the day. I am going to try to be a bit more ambitious with my post-production, so keep your eyes peeled for my advances in this area. Below, is the un-edited photo. The areas that captured my attention in the original photo were the expression of the model, the framing and the vibrant colours. However, I thought it looked a little bit flat and needed a bit of editing to show its full potential as a portrait.

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