Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!

I know i'm a day early but I presume I will be very busy stuffing my face, opening presents and of corse taking lots of photos tomorrow, so I shall wish you all a very Merry Christmas now :) I hope you all have a wonderful time and take lots of photos so you can always look back and remember your lovely festivities :)

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Inspiring photos

I love photos which have the power to create such a mixture of emotions. I also love enigmatic photos which instantly create a million questions/words/phrases in your mind to make sence of what you are seeing. On this note, here is a link to 30 very inspiring photos, the photos have been put together into this incredible collection by webneel.com.


Thursday, 5 December 2013

A little bit of Christmas cheer!

Like a lot of you, we put up our Christmas decorations this week. I thought I would share some photos of them with you to give you that festive feeling. With the editing, I have tried to create a warm, comfy, homely feel to this selection of photos as this is the feeling we aim for in our flat. I hope you enjoy looking through them and that you are getting just as excited about Christmas as I am.

Saturday, 2 November 2013


Happy Halloween Everyone! 
I have put together a selection of photos of the things that I made to get everyone in a spooky mood this halloween. I hope you enjoy. 

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Photography Workshops Continued.....

The photography workshops are coming along nicely, there has been so much to do before I can properly get started. The trial workshop was today and overall I think I can say it was a big success. Thankfully It didn't rain, the sun even poked its head out for a little bit. The hour flew by and I really wanted to do more. Therefore i'm bring forward the start date of the workshops to December. Now I really need to knuckle down and finish all the planning, marketing, paperwork, locations etc etc. The feedback was really positive from today and I was given some great ideas. Everyone really enjoyed it and said that they learnt some really useful things to take away with them :) I really can't wait to be running the workshops regularly and alongside the teaching in schools I already do. Here are some photos from the day, taken my a friend who was given a 20 minute crash-course in photography just before the lesson, she did really well and i'm very proud of how quickly she picked it all up :)

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Exciting News!

So I mentioned a little while ago that I had some exciting things coming up, well i'm finally at a point where I can share it with you.......

I am planning to run photography workshops which will not only cover the important basics, but will include many tips, tricks and techniques which will make day-to-day photos even more special. You will learn to take beautiful photos which you will want to look back on and remember the special moments in you life. I plan to make the workshops accessible to everyone, even people with no or little previous experience.

I'm starting with a trial workshop which will be in a couple weeks. It is going to be free as the main aim is for me to practise addressing adults and to gather opinions and feedback from the people who attend. I plan to start the workshops properly at the beginning of 2014.

If you are in Portsmouth or can get to Portsmouth easily then please take a look at the event link below and see if it looks like something you would enjoy :)


I'm so excited about starting the workshops. I have been teaching photography in after-school workshops to children aged 7-11 for quite a few months now, but would like to try and teach adults too. I really enjoy the teaching I am currently doing and can't wait to expand and face some new challenges.

Monday, 30 September 2013

A little trip to Hayling Island

Hello all, firstly i'd like to apologise for how quiet the blog has been over the last couple weeks, I've been really busy running workshops. It's been such great fun, but is also taking up a lot of my time. I will write up about it all very soon and tell you what i've been up to. And, secondly I would like to share with you some photos I took at Hayling Island this weekend. We visited some family, for a roast dinner and birthday cake for my boyfriend on the beach. It was skill-fully all cooked in a motor-home too. It was quite surreal to be tucking into roast chicken while looking at the sea, however it was such a lovely day and in the perfect setting.


I hope you enjoyed looking through them and I leave you with a photo of me enjoying my day and of course the giant chocolate cake :) Hope you have a good week!

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Southsea Fest 2013

I had the honour of photographing Southsea Fest for the second year in a row last Saturday. It's such an enjoyable and fun day, with such a friendly atmosphere, it is also a plus that it is held just down the road from my house. I strongly recommend you look up 'As Elephants Are', they were incredible to watch live and such great guys to chat to, they gave us a really funny interview over fish and chips. The bands from top to bottom are as follows; George Ezra, Acres, As Elephants Are, MMX and Sons and Lovers.

I hope you enjoy looking through the photos :)