Monday, 17 June 2013

An Update of my Product Photography

I was recently let loose in a boutique with my camera. My aim was to capture the style and feel of the things on offer at the boutique without just doing a wide-angle shot of the whole shop. I also saw it as a good opportunity to practise with my macro extension tubes a bit more. I was really happy with the outcome and think the selection gives a slightly abstract view of the boutique. I hope the glitz, glamour and style come across in the photos. Enjoy.....

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day!!! I thought I would share with you a photo of my Dad for this special Sunday. I was pretty happy with how this photo turned out and I think it sums him up nicely :) It's always a little bit sad when I can't be there to share a special occasion with my family, but I hope they had a lovely relaxed Sunday. I hope all the Dad's out there have had a lovely day :)

Monday, 10 June 2013

A little visit to my grandad's farm

I havn't posted in a little while because i've been so busy. But me and my boyfrind got the chance to get away for the weekend and visit my family in Somerset. There are so many great photo opportunities in the countryside so I thought I would share a few with you, from our visit to my grandad's farm. Its hard to stop taking photos when you have such adorable animals playing up to the camera. I cannot take credit for all these photos, some were taken by my boyfriend (as you will see that I am in some - i'm the one in the big hat :p) I hope you enjoy looking through them.