Monday, 25 March 2013

Photo of the week 1

I personally find it really hard to pick my favourite photos from a shoot so I thought this would be a good way for me to be critical and really evaluate the photos I take each week. I will post my favourite photo from the week and will explain, the best I can, why it is the best and what I like so much about it. To start this off, here is my favourite photo from this week.

Like I said, I find it really hard to pick the best photos, however this one really stood out to me. Its from Kay and Colin's wedding which I photographed last weekend. It was a beautiful day with a quirky and vintage feel to it. This was the cake, which was so unique and different that I thought it summed up the day pretty well. I love the warm tones of the photo and overall colour temperature.
The eye of the viewer is drawn to the cake by the use of colour, framing and depth of field. Overall, I think it is a really effective and interesting look which serves the intended purpose of the image.

The couple had asked for some colour pops in the photos, but this one looked a bit fake with a B/W background so I choose sepia. This was the first shoot I edited using Adobe Lightroom 3. I usually use Photoshop CS5 but I've been told by so many people to give Lightroom a try, so I did. It took a little while to get used to but Its quite easy once you get the hang of it. As well as the colour pop and sepia, I cloned out a few light reflections as they distracted from the cake. I am really pleased with the outcome of this photo, however i'm not sure if it is the best from the week or not. I will try to be more sure about my decision for next week. I'd love to know what you think of the photo and if you struggle with evaluating your work or not too.

Sunday, 24 March 2013


Hello and welcome to my new blog! As you may have already guessed, this blog is about Amy Sapphire Photography, my freelance photography business. However this blog is not just about me, I will be blogging about anything and everything in the world of photography. From amazing photographers I stumble across, to my dream lists of equipment. I will also run competitions from here, were you could win some brilliant prizes and will post tutorials, so hopefully I can impart some knowledge to you. I will try not to repeat myself, so If you want to know a bit more about me and my photography then read the 'About Me' page. Here are a couple of my portraits, they also happen to be of some of my favourite people in the world, my boyfriend and my housemates.

A photography blog is something i've been meaning to do for quite a while. I am hoping that by keeping this blog updated, it will inspire me to try out new things and keep practising the things I already know. For Example, macro photography. I had a little play with my new macro extension tubes in the snow a few weeks ago, but it wasnt that successful and I havnt really tried again since, so keep your eyes peeled for my advances in areas such as macro and many more.

I love hearing feedback about my photography or any tips and advice, so please dont hesitiate to contact me, either by commenting on a post or dropping me an email. Head to the contact me page to find other ways of getting in touch. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my blog and I leave you with a photo of me far too excited to be taking photos :)